Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Change, That's What's Up

Sitting on my couch witnessing history. The presidency, the house, the senate... it's all finally in good hands. People have finally realized that this change is imminent and I'm ecstatic that the ball is rolling. Black youth can now add president to their future aspirations without calling it a pipe dream.

I would also like to extend a white flag to Senator McCain. Though Phoenix's crowd was obscenely rude, McCain was a gracious and encouraging loser.

And to leave on a light note, McCain has just said, "a special thanks to Sarah Palin, who has been the best running mate..."


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Degrees of Smartness

Even people don't strike you as intelligent always know something you don't.  It's so easy to dismiss people at first glance, especially if they use improper grammar or make a dumb comment, but we all have something to bring to the table.  So listen up, people have things to say, ideas to share, insight that's new to your ears.